How do you assess the proportional-odds assumption? Directly.

A simple visual check.

Alex Zajichek


July 19, 2024

This dataset comes from the 2011 Annual Resident Survey in Durham, NC.

# Load packages

# Import the dataset
dat <- read_delim(
  file = "", 
  delim = ";",
  na = c("", " ", "NA", "N/A")
) |>
  # Keep a few columns
    QOL = 
      q3f_quality_of_life_in_city |>
      factor() |>
        "Very Dissatisfied",
        "Very Satisfied"
    Age = str_remove(`18_34_years`, "(?i)\\syears$") |> factor(),
    Income = 
      q38_annual_household_income |>
      factor() |>
        "Under $30,000",
        "$30,000 to $59,999",
        "$60,000 to $99,999",
        "$100,000 or more"
    Sex = q34_respondents_gender
  ) |>
  # Remove missing cases

Suppose we are interested in understanding the relationship between resident age and their perceived quality of life in the city, after adjusting for gender and annual household income. We have the following observed distribution (note that we’ve removed missing data for simplicity):

dat |> 
  # Compute group summaries
    N = n(),
    .by = 
  ) |>  
  # Flip the order
    QOL = fct_rev(QOL)
  ) |>
  # Make a plot
  ggplot() + 
      x = Age,
      y = N,
      fill = QOL
    color = "black",
    alpha = .75
  ) +
    panel.background = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "gray"),
    legend.position = "top",
    legend.title = element_blank(),
    legend.text = element_text(size = 10),
    axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
    axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
    plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5)
  ) +
  xlab("Respondent Age (years)") +
  ylab("Count") +
  labs(title = "Quality of life in the city")

Overall, it looks like older respondents tend to report more pessimistic views of quality of life.

Forming a model

A typical approach for modeling likert-like data is to use a proportional-odds logistic regression model. It is an extension of the widely-used binary logistic regression model, with one key assumption: the ratio of odds between two groups (e.g., ages 35-44 versus 18-34) of being at or above a response level (e.g., satisfied or very satisfied versus neutral, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied) are proportional (i.e., the same) regardless of where we make that comparison in the outcome. So this odds ratio would also be the same if we instead compared, for example, very satisfied versus everything else.

What does that mean?

Let’s clarify this by using our model output directly. We’ll fit the model, adjusted for annual household income and gender, using the MASS::polr function. The age group 18-34 will serve as the reference category in which all other age groups will be compared against. Note: By default the package computes odds ratios in the opposite direction to what we what we want, so we invert them.

# Fit the model
mod <-
    formula = QOL ~ Age + Income + Sex,
    data = dat,
    Hess = TRUE

# Make a table of odds-ratios
mod$coefficients |>
  # Convert to data frame
    name = "Term",
    value = "Estimate"
  ) |>
  # Join to get the CI
    y = 
      # Get the 95% confidence intervals
      confint(mod) |> 
      # Convert to tibble, add the coefficient names
      as_tibble() |> 
      add_column(Term = names(mod$coefficients)),
    by = "Term"
  ) |> 
  # Filter to age factor only
  filter(str_detect(Term, "^Age")) |>
  # Clean up
    Term = str_remove(Term, "^Age"),
      \(x) sprintf("%.2f", 1 / exp(x))
  ) |> 
  # Rename
    `Age (years)` = Term,
    `Odds-ratio` = Estimate,
    Lower = `97.5 %`,
    Upper = `2.5 %`
  ) |>
  # Change location
  relocate(Lower, .before = Upper) |>
  # Add the reference row
    `Age (years)` = "18-34",
    `Odds-ratio` = "-",
    Lower = "-",
    Upper = "-",
    .before = 1
  ) |>
  # Make a table
  knitr::kable(format = "html") |>
  kableExtra::kable_styling() |>
  kableExtra::add_header_above(c("", "", "95% CI" = 2))
95% CI
Age (years) Odds-ratio Lower Upper
18-34 - - -
35-44 1.24 0.67 2.30
45-54 1.13 0.64 1.98
55-64 1.74 0.97 3.12
65-74 3.02 1.40 6.54
75+ 0.93 0.30 2.88

Generally, the estimates pan out roughly how we suspected. In particular, the estimated odds of worse perceived quality of life in the city for 65-74 year olds are 3 times that of 18-34 year olds, after adjusting for annual household income and gender (with a 95% confidence interval of 1.4 to 6.5).

Again, this interpretation is assumed to hold true if “worse” is defined as very dissatisfied versus everything else, or very dissatisfied through satisfied versus very satisfied, and everything in between.

Does the assumption hold?

The question becomes whether that big assumption of proportional-odds actually holds. We may have reason to think, from the data or gut instinct, that it might not. Well, one simple way to check is by directly assessing what it implies.


We said earlier that the model assumes the same odds ratios for any mutually exclusive comparison of the ordered response categories. Thus, we can free up this constraint by thinking of constructing a collection of binary logistic regression models: one for each of those ordinal comparisons. Specifically,

  • Very Dissatisfied versus everything else
  • Very Dissatisfied or Dissatisfied versus everything else
  • Very Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, or Neutral versus Satisfied or Very Satisfied
  • Very Dissatisfied through Satisfied versus Very Satisfied

Then, we simply just look to see if the resulting odds ratios are reasonably similar across all of those models. If so, then we can be somewhat confident that it can be reduced to a single model, and stick with our original proportional-odds estimates.

My preference is to do this in a plot.

Making the plot

We’ll cycle through the response categories, iteratively define the binary outcomes as described above, and then fit a logistic regression model for each definition. Once we do this, we get the following plot:

# Set the number of comparisons
n_comp <- n_distinct(dat$QOL) - 1

# Make each data set
1:n_comp |>
  # For each set
    function(.index) {
      # Extract the current response set
      temp_resp <- levels(dat$QOL)[1:.index]
      # Create binary outcome in the data
      temp_dat <- 
        dat |>
        # Create target
          Response = 
              QOL %in% temp_resp ~ 1,
              TRUE ~ 0
      # Fit the binary logistic regression model
      temp_mod <-
          formula = Response ~ Age + Income + Sex,
          data = temp_dat,
          family = "binomial"
      # Make a table of odds-ratios
      temp_mod$coefficients |>
        # Convert to data frame
          name = "Term",
          value = "Estimate"
        ) |>
        # Join to get the CI
          y = 
            # Get the 95% confidence intervals
            confint.default(temp_mod) |> 
            # Convert to tibble, add the coefficient names
            as_tibble() |> 
            add_column(Term = names(temp_mod$coefficients)),
          by = "Term"
        ) |> 
        # Filter to age factor only
        filter(str_detect(Term, "^Age")) |>
        # Clean up
          Term = str_remove(Term, "^Age"),
            \(x) exp(x)
        ) |>
        # Rename
          Age = Term,
          OR = Estimate,
          Lower = `2.5 %`,
          Upper = `97.5 %`
        ) |>
        # Add the reference row
          Age = "18-34",
          OR = 1,
          Lower = 1,
          Upper = 1,
          .before = 1
        ) |>
        # Attach outcome level
        add_column(QOL = levels(dat$QOL)[.index])
    .id = "Order"
  ) |>
  # Make the factor
    Order = as.numeric(Order),
    QOL = factor(QOL) |> fct_reorder(Order)
  ) |>
  # Make a plot
      x = QOL,
      y = OR,
      group = 1
  ) +
      color = Age
    linewidth = 1.5
  ) +
      color = Age
    size = 3
  ) +
      ymin = Lower,
      ymax = Upper,
      fill = Age
    alpha = .25
  ) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, color = "gray") +
  facet_wrap(~paste0(Age, " years")) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 4)) +
    panel.background = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "gray"),
    legend.position = "none",
    axis.title = element_text(size = 12),
    axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, size = 10),
    plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5),
    strip.text = element_text(size = 14)
  ) +
  xlab("Response") +
  ylab("Odds-ratio (95% CI) for being at or below response level")

Unfortunately we’re quite plagued by variability here, especially in the lower-end (i.e., very dissatisfied versus everything else), due to scanty event volumes, but you get the picture. Actually, for 65-74 year olds, the proportional-odds assumption seems to be a reasonable one: it was estimated earlier at 3.02, and we see the point estimates across these binary models vary between 2.5-3.5.

For other age categories, it may not be so good of an assumption. It looks like 35-44 and 55-64 year olds tend to have a much higher odds of responding very dissatisfied relative to 18-34 year olds, but there is much less of a difference (in all age categories) for the odds of responding very satisfied, suggesting something like older residents may make a point to select the least favorable response but don’t see much difference between being satisfied or very satisfied.

So what do we do in practice?

First, the same proportional-odds assumptions hold for all covariates in the model, so we would also want to assess this for annual household income and gender. Second, if the assumption is not met, then we need to accommodate that by introducing more flexibility into the model. That may be by being clever with interaction terms, defining sensible groups to create, or by using separate binary models for each possible comparison, as we’ve done here. It’s really a judgement call.